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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A Catholic Order (Jesuit Priests) commit to making $100 million in US Slavery reparation. Do all Catholics support that?

A Catholic Order (Jesuit Priests) commit to making $100 million in US Slavery reparation. Do all Catholics support that?

Here's the backstory for those with an interest

In 1838 there were 272 enslaved men, women and children who were sold by the JESUIT owners of Georgetown University to Louisiana Plantation Owners. That is what this order of Jesuit Priests wants so much to atone for make up for apologize for repay for.

A New Orleans bank (later affiliated with JP Morgan) USED THESE PEOPLE AS COLLATERAL!

Imagine that? Of course slaves were considered to be CHATTEL


A movable article of personal property
Any article of tangible property other than land, buildings and other things annexed to land
A slave

Posted - March 16, 2021
