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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The complainer dissatisfied with the status of things is the reason for progress. Is there any value at all to the opposite type?

The complainer dissatisfied with the status of things is the reason for progress. Is there any value at all to the opposite type?

Whatever the situation the accepter finds a way to adapt. Live with it as best as can be done and move on.

Now you know what's coming right?

Jim is the critic complainer who is never satisfied until he finds a way to IMPROVE UPON.

Me? I adjust accept make the best of it and move on.

So we're together now 23 plus years. Opposites in that regard. Can we be happy together? Well we are. Of course I annoy him and he annoys me from time to time but well whatcha gonna do?Nothings perfect.

So I take advantage of whatever he improved and say thank you knowing full well that is what lies ahead till death us do part. Lucky me.

Which are you? The complainer or the accepter?

Posted - March 17, 2021
