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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Many long agos the only HATE group of which I was aware was the KKK. Dressed in white sheets. Lynched those they hated. What else?

Many long agos the only HATE group of which I was aware was the KKK. Dressed in white sheets. Lynched those they hated. What else?

Burned crosses on lawns. Blew up African American churches. Terrorized people of color hiding their faces under white sheets because they were chickensh** scairdy cats. Yellowbelly cowards. MURDERED little girls who were praying in churches. NOW? BRAZEN PRIDEFUL IN YOUR FACE. My. We've come a long way baby and well he** WE'VE ONLY JUST BEGUN.. Just watch us and see how great we art and how much greater lies ahead. BOOM! YOU'RE DEAD!

PROGRESS. Much greater variety of HATE groups these days. BOLDER PROUDER LOUDER! They take SELFIES for goodness sakes and flaunt their hate. New and improved. More choices. PROGRESS.

How d'ya top it? They're gonna show ya. No stopping them now. FOOTOO uncorked that bottle and fed it and stroked it and stoked it and massaged it and encouraged it and "had his way" with it!. Whatta guy.

Posted - March 19, 2021
