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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It gets all the press all the attention all the air out of everything. WHAT? NEGATIVITY. UGLY. HATE. TRAGEDY. WHY?

It gets all the press all the attention all the air out of everything. WHAT? NEGATIVITY. UGLY. HATE. TRAGEDY. WHY?

Good happens too all the time everywhere. It's just that it is so uninteresting and unimportant compared to a FOOTOO insurrection and HATE-FILLED oration and deaths and destruction and violation and vilification. That's what the public WANTS more of it..can't get enough of!

HATE rates great attention-wise.
UGLY rules. CRUEL VICIOUS VILE TREASONOUS is the entree du jour.

That does not speak well for homo saps. Not well at all.

BLOODLUST drives them. DESTRUCTION gets them off and running to some sexual nirvana. They can't get enough of it. ADDICTED to it. DEATH becomes them when inflicted on THE ENEMY.


How swell is that?

Posted - March 20, 2021


  • 10560

    Sensationalism sells.  If the press were to stop reporting anything negative, it'd quickly go out of business.

    Have a horrible shooting?  The press is right there covering ever gory detail (this is the blood strained street.  These are the bullet holes.  These are the dead bodies.  These are the people who saw it happen, or heard it happen, or who may have known the perpetrators cousins roommates girlfriend.  This is the place where the alleged gun was purchased.  This is the street corner in front of where the crime took place.  ---- And on it goes, making sure to squeeze every ounce of “story” out of it; hoping to get an “exclusive”- something their rivals don’t have- just to bring in viewers/readers.  Of course, the people hearing all this want justice!  (human beings thirst for justice).  Burn down the store where the alleged gun was allegedly purchased (whether legally or not)!!  Harass anyone who may even be remotely connected to the shooter.  March, demonstrate, riot, loot stores, set cars on fire, and throw things at police!  --- And the press is always right there, "egging it on".  Glorious!  (We’re right here with the rioters; mere feet from the police line….)  If people try to put the incident behind them; heal and move on with their lives, the press is right there to remind them of it a week later, a month later, even a year later (anniversary).  Replaying the graphic footage of the horrible incident, reminding everyone of the name of the one who did it, showing the “crime scene” as  it looks today…..  All this is done not to “remember”, but to get viewers or readers.  And if they can’t milk enough out of it, the incident is quickly dropped and replaced by another story of hate, violence, or whatever.  Because that’s what people want – violence, hatred, us versus them – people like sensationalism.

    Think you’ll ever tune it to the evening news and hear - “Tonight we go live to Fort Worth Texas where we’ll see a man drive safely to and from his place of employment.  Next, a grandmother in New York lets her granddaughter help her make cookies.  Internationally, students in Europe study quietly at home for their upcoming algebra test.  Then, later on, we’ll check in with a woman in Arkansas who always counts to ten before she speaks when she’s angry.  Good evening, I'm Lester Holt.”  Why not?  Because that’d make their ratings drop to zero. 

      March 20, 2021 12:08 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You BLAME the press for giving homo saps what they LUST AFTER? If the customers weren't there what do you think would happen? If no one bought it then there would be no IT. You blame the messenger not the customers for it? I don't understand why. So I shall ask. WHY? Give the public what it wants and you will make a lot of money. If the public didn't want it they'd go out of business. YELLOW JOURNALISM. No audience for it? No buyers? No customers? It will disappear m'dear. I totally disagree with you on this issue. There are many folks who blame the reporters and the researchers and the investigators. Not those whose lust jins everything up. I don't. No problemo. Different strokes for different folks. It's like the side shows at carnivals. The hairy woman. The 600 lb man. The two-faced man. Real or manufactured people will come and pay to see freaks of nature or manufactured. Blame the sideshow entrepreneurs or the VOYEURS? Up to you what you do what you think what you feel. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. :)
      March 21, 2021 4:27 AM MDT