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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » In 2021 there is no such thing as SELF-DISCIPLINE or THE HONOR SYSTEM. People are no longer capable of it. They really are SHEEPLE?

In 2021 there is no such thing as SELF-DISCIPLINE or THE HONOR SYSTEM. People are no longer capable of it. They really are SHEEPLE?

They need to be watched by hawks and herded by dogs or they will do the wrong thing every time.

You cannot trust them. They do not trust you. It is said that once upon time people did not lock their doors. They could take evening walks without fearing anyone/anything. They'd leave money in a cigar box for what they took at unattended fruit stands. Believe it or not.

These days only dam* fools trust. Sigh.


Posted - March 22, 2021


  • 10560
    Most kids are taught at a young age that they should be honest and not tell lies.  If they're caught lying they usually get some kind of punishment.  But then they're also told that if one crosses their fingers, then what they say "doesn't count" (I had my fingers were crossed).  As they look at the world around them, they see other people (sometimes even their own parents) lying, reneging, cheating, stealing, and whatnot... with little to no consequences (Everyone does it.  You have to if you want to get by in life.  It's not called cheating unless you get caught.)
    Most learn rather quickly that honesty isn't the best policy, it's just for suckers.

    Passwords, security cameras, lie detectors, fingerprint/optical scanners, deadbolts, barred windows, armed guards .... 

    Once it was that when the phone rang at 3 am, you knew it was bad news.   Now it's just some bot selling scam car insurance, or someone telling that you're going to be arrested unless you give them your bank account number, or some voice claiming to be your grandchild and that they need you to wire them money.

    So, who can you trust?  Political leaders?  The police?  The "priest" at church?    Politicians lie.  Some police are corrupt.  Some church leaders are sexual perverts.

    Yes, there was a time when you could go out for a walk or to the store and leave your doors unlocked (the worst that would happen was some neighbor leaving a basket of home grown zucchini on your kitchen table).  A time when you could stop at a roadside fruit stand and pay for your purchase by leaving the money under a stone (so it wouldn't blow away) as the proprietor was busy working in his field.  A time when promises were always kept, and someone's word actually meant something.  Yes, there was a time.
      March 22, 2021 1:36 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You realize that millions of people are alive  today who think your last paragraph is fantasy don't you m'dear? A fairy tale. A scifi life. Yet I lived EVERY BIT OF IT and I expect you lived some of it if not all of it so we KNOW it existed once upon a time. At that time did you ever think the world would have devolved to the depths and dregs of the evil we are living through? Could you have invented a FOOTOO and have had him brainwash millions who believe only him, only in him, only in what he tells them? LUDICROUS right? Yet here we are. Where do we go next? I don't know. I'm not gonna be around nearly as long as you. So I wish the best for you futurely. I hope it changes. A Norman Rockwell cover in every home or at least some? Well anything is possible right? Maybe even that? Thank you once again for your thoughtful analysis! :)
      March 22, 2021 2:21 PM MDT

  • 10560
    I lived it too.  And I watched it disappear too.  These little town went from being like Mayberry to being like Oakland.  People move their families p here to get away from the crime, but instead, brought it with them as their kids WERE the criminals.
      March 22, 2021 4:12 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I think you know Jim and I live on Mayberry Street in Hemet, California. We looked at this place to rent specifically because it was located on Mayberry. I think being a child in this current America is some kind of punishment. I pity them. So now that America has been on the DECLINE for so long are we in a death spiral or can we come out of it? Once a plane begins to dive is there a point at which there is no stopping it? CRASH BOOM is the only possible outcome? SIGH. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Tuesday to you and yours! :)
      March 23, 2021 2:53 AM MDT