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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The FOOTOO FASCIST RACISTS BRIGHT WHITES are very peculiar hypocrites. Anti people of color yet they embrace TED CRUZ?

The FOOTOO FASCIST RACISTS BRIGHT WHITES are very peculiar hypocrites. Anti people of color yet they embrace TED CRUZ?

He had dual citizenship. Born in Canada of an American mom and a CUBAN pop. Moved to America at age 4 and was a dually every day of his life until he wanted to run for prez and got a lot of flack for being a dually. So he very grandly renounced his Canadian citizenship and is now considered to be 100% amurrican.

But he can't renounce being Latin. Nothing he says or does makes that go away. EVER.

He isn't a bright white and never will be yet the insurrectionists who are bright whites spoke of how he would approve of what they were doing insurrectioning!

HOW COME ted gets a pass but other "people of color" don't?

Anyone anywhere got a good answer for that?


Posted - March 27, 2021
