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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Per FOOTOO March 25, 2021 "Rioters were hugging and kissing police" on January 6. Really? What kind of hugs/kisses do this?

Per FOOTOO March 25, 2021 "Rioters were hugging and kissing police" on January 6. Really? What kind of hugs/kisses do this?

5 dead. Hundreds injured. 400 insurrectionists arrested and charged so far with hundreds more in the crosshairs. SEDITION may be the charge! SEDITION! SEDITION!

So if what FOOTOO says is true what the he** does the footage we have seen over and over and over and over again really represent? A mind meld with an alien?


That's Puck..Midsummer's Nights Dream...Shakespeare

Who be dat dam* friggin' fool? Believe your eyes and your ears and what you personally witnessed or believe FOOTOO? Your choice.

Posted - March 27, 2021
