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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever heard of a book titled THE WHITENESS OF WEALTH? Seems to me the audience would be poor whites. Rich ones don't need it. Unwhites?

Ever heard of a book titled THE WHITENESS OF WEALTH? Seems to me the audience would be poor whites. Rich ones don't need it. Unwhites?

They don't qualify.

So the poor whites who support FOOTOO would buy it. Don't know if any of 'em would get rich. But they're halfway there being WHITE and all. An advantage everywhere but really one in amurrica.

So there is hope for all youse moneylusters. Don't know what the book costs. Maybe y'all can pool your money, buy one copy, pass it around?

Get rich enough and youtoo will dine with FOOTOO. Nothing draws FOOTOO toyou like money.

Posted - March 27, 2021
