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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Once upon a time people had the decency to be quiet about their evil. Then a loudmouth shows up and shouts his evil 24/7. Guess what?

Once upon a time people had the decency to be quiet about their evil. Then a loudmouth shows up and shouts his evil 24/7. Guess what?

The cacophony of evil loudmouths is overwhelming. Out in the open they do their evilness. Proudly and loudly they lie and cheat and betray and traitor and treason and sabotage and undermine and attack and insult. Know why? Because the loudmouth gave them station elevation credibility. He's old news and no longer around. They on the other hand are louder and prouder and more prone to treasoning and traitoring against their own citizens.

Now is that a good thing or not so hot? KNOWING? They were always there living in the scum and slime and underbelly of society. We knew they existed but had no idea there were so many of them.

What does knowing do for us? Anything good?

Posted - March 29, 2021
