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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Someone said "the unexamined life is not worth living." Is it enough to examine it? Should you not also seek to do better in every way?

Someone said "the unexamined life is not worth living." Is it enough to examine it? Should you not also seek to do better in every way?

Is an examined life based on me me me me me me me me me worth living?

All for self and nothing for others?

What are the OBLIGATIONS of being a human being? Only what one is willing to take on or are there requirements outside ones strength and weaknesses that must be met to make a life worth living?

Are the lives of takers worth living?
The lives of cruel haters worth living?
The lives of the selfish greedy worth living?

Who determines what is needed to make a life "worth living"? The self? Others? A consensus?

Is your life worth living? Why?

Posted - March 29, 2021
