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You know "the talk" all African American parents have with their sons? Is there a version thereof for their daughters?

How to survive "out there"?

Posted - March 30, 2021


  • 33896
    Personally, as a white parent I had the talk to my kids.  (Both sons and daughter)
    I explained you do not mouth off to the police. You always make sure they can see your hands. And you ask before you get things out of the glove box etc. And MOST important even if they officer is listen and follow all instructions. Do not argue.  The officer is the one in control and the one with the gun.  Most are good but there are a few bad not give the bad ones an excuse. 

    If needed, we can file a complaint afterwards.  We did this with my husband years ago.  I know it was investigated. And I know that eventually the officer was fired. (We were not the only complaints filed)
      March 30, 2021 5:04 AM MDT

  • 113301
    YOU DID? I never had such a talk with my son. Never occurred to me. NOT ONCE. But you had that talk? WHY? Oh maybe because of the ages of our kids. My son just turned 56 in February. In those days cops were our protectors and the ones you'd go to for help if you needed it. My son was born in 1966 in Massachusetts. Moved to California when he was 4. During his school years it never came up. Not with him or any of his friends. But these days in this climate with this degree of WHITE SUPREMACIST RACIST HATE some of whicn we see in cops it's a different ballgame. I'm going to ask about it m2c. What you said shocks me. No joke. Thank you for your reply.
      March 30, 2021 6:39 AM MDT

  • 33896
    The times are different. 
    It is more dangerous for cops and kids are mouthier. 

    My husband is your son's age born in 1966. 
      March 30, 2021 12:23 PM MDT

  • 113301
    More dangerous for COPS? Maybe where you live it is but everywhere else it is more dangerous for people of color..especially African Americans. You come from a very different place than I do m2c politically idealogically and historically. That we met at all and found a connection was IN SPITE OF that not because of that. Being of Armenian descent yes I am Caucasian/white. But I have never thought of myself that way. I relate to people of color because of the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE many decades ago before I was born. I relate to Jewish people because of our common history vis a vis GENOCIDE. Jewish people lost 6 million and the Armenian people lost 1.5 million. Just for being. Have you ever experienced that kind of hate in your bloodlines? Extermination/extinction just for being? Thank you for your reply m'dear! :) This post was edited by RosieG at April 1, 2021 4:38 AM MDT
      April 1, 2021 4:36 AM MDT

  • 33896
    Yes more dangerous for cops.  

    All of these shootings etc are the result of people resisting arrest. If people would simply not fight the officer how many would be saved? I say almost all of them. Regardless of color. 

    There are roughly 60,000 assaults on law enforcement officers each year.   Law enforcement is the most dangerous line of work...they are the most likely to suffer a fatal or permanent injury. 

    More officers are killed every year than unarmed minorities. 

      April 1, 2021 6:24 PM MDT

  • 113301
    So are all Republicans AUTOMATICALLY pro cop and anti victim? Ever any occasion when you were ANTI cop or is that not allowed for Republicans. I am deadly serious here. Thank you for your reply m2c. Being AUTOMATICALLY for anyone all the time no matter what he/she does for me is insanity and evidence braindeadness in my opinion. I'm not saying YOU are braindead. I am saying the way you stay loyal no matter what the person does puzzles me. This is one of those time. Sadly. :(
      April 2, 2021 3:02 AM MDT

  • 33896
    I am pro good cops. I am anti cop unions that prevent the firing of bad cops. The vast majority of cops are good. 
    I am not antivictim.   But with a few exceptions the "victims" are always resisting arrest. I am anti resisting arrest. It never makes the situation better.  It is stupid.

    This is exactly what I told my children. You are to be respectful (yes sir, no sir),  listen to the police, you do not resist, EVEN IF (ESPECIALLY) the officer is wrong. 

    The show Live PD used to film a few hours away. So there was a real chance if they were pulled over they could be on that show.  I told them if I had better never them acting a fool with the police on there. 

    I do think there should be a national law (not guidence but a law) that says clearly that use of the neck in any way to control or subdue a suspect is not allowed. 
      April 2, 2021 6:26 AM MDT