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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Among the most sexually depraved PERVERTS are woman who rape or help men to rape other women. Ghislaine Maxwell for instance?

Among the most sexually depraved PERVERTS are woman who rape or help men to rape other women. Ghislaine Maxwell for instance?

The newest alleged victim of jeffy the frankenstein and ghastly gizzard maxwell is a woman who said they jointly raped her many times in front of her son.

Know what the PERFECT punishment for the gizzardly ghissy? Get done to her what she done done to others.

Who would be so vile as to do that?

Robots of course! No feelings you see and they keep doing and doing and repeating and repeating forever. Till the victim dies from being raped a bazillion times or however many.

I wonder how how many depraved sex perverts like ghissy get off as she must have?

I wonder how much she would LOVE being done to as she done done to others?

Now of course all of this is ALLEGEDLY. Jeff frankenstein committed suicide in jail it is alleged. Was he murdered? Could be. But if he took his own life then he must have been guilty right? I wonder what kind of squirming and lying ghissy will indulge in.

For what it's worth. The life and times of the wealthy depraved perverts and those who WILLINGLY participate if any do.

Posted - March 31, 2021
