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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "The only way Joe Biden and the dems will get anything done is to work around the Republicans." How sad is that?

"The only way Joe Biden and the dems will get anything done is to work around the Republicans." How sad is that?

There is a something called BUdget Reconciliation where you can get something done despite the sabotagedindifference seasoned with fascist racist hate which FOOTOO Republican pols are noted for. So be it.

Biden's poll numbers are high. THE PUBLIC is pro what he is doing IN SPITE OF THE REPUBLICANS FOR WHOM THEY VOTED TO REPRESENT THEM doing not a dam* thing to help them! Good job guys.  Way good. :(!

Only in America. No other country is as bad a** and screwy. WAY TA GO!

Posted - April 6, 2021
