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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Just to clear things up. When I say "BRIGHT WHITE" I am not referring to level of intelligence, smarts or intellect. Okey dokey?

Just to clear things up. When I say "BRIGHT WHITE" I am not referring to level of intelligence, smarts or intellect. Okey dokey?

The BRIGHT WHITES who pride themselves on hating everyone not them are colorless and superficial and lacking any intellectual MUSCLE. One cannot be smart and also be racist. PERIOD. It's only all the stupid dumbs whose legacy has more white supremacy in their dna that "feels" that way. They are in the MINORITY but they are so deranged they seem as if they are taking over the world.

Stupid dumb is a wonderful quality to have. See what it did for FOOTOO? MATTRESS PEDOPHILE?

Posted - April 9, 2021
