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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Good or not? Whatever weird pecularly queer product you create rest assured there will be a buyer for it. Maybe millions. Why is that?

Good or not? Whatever weird pecularly queer product you create rest assured there will be a buyer for it. Maybe millions. Why is that?

What defect exists in homo saps that they so controllable by others? A hole at the top of the head that never closes? I dunno.

You tell a BIG LIE and keep repeating it repeating repeating it repeating. Millions will believe THE BIG LIE and hail the liar who tells it. Why is that?

Fortunately not all buy into any particular lie.  Espeically those that are absurd ridiculous and obvious. But enough do believe without question to make the liar win many battles.

What is wrong with those millions being born to be conned scammed tricked and made fools of repeatedly? Are they unaware? Are they really that obtuse or just crave abuse? They keep going back for more.

T'is a puzzlement.

Posted - April 12, 2021
