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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "CHAUVIN GUILTY All Counts. Ex-Officer convicted of two MURDER CHARGES,MANSLAUGHTER in Floyd Death." A step for mankind?

"CHAUVIN GUILTY All Counts. Ex-Officer convicted of two MURDER CHARGES,MANSLAUGHTER in Floyd Death." A step for mankind?

The murderer's bail was revoked and he was taken away in handcuffs. In two months we will know what the sentence is and if imposed bigly he will never see the light of day again. He will live the rest of his sorry a** life in jail. His family can visit him. George Floyd's family was robbed of that by the murderer.

Live by the sword DIE BY THE SWORD? Justice this one time? We'll see.

His lawyers will probably engage in years of appeals. To save a murdurer from death in prison.

Worth it?

Maxine Waters said we should be CONFRONTATIONAL. Judge sez Chauvin can appeal based on that alone.

Judge CLEARLY is ignorant of the meaning of CONFRONTATIONAL.

There is no violence implied or breaking of laws or harming of anyone. You just CONFRONT instead of turning away or avoiding.

I wish US homo saps were more knowledgeable than they are.. They get off on and go off on tangents of ignorance and prejudice and hate.

To bring together for examination or comparison

Nowhere does it say anything about VIOLENCE PHYSICAL HARM or ATTACK

Being here is being confrontational if you state your views contra to the views of others. WHO WANTS TO RUMBLE? WHO WANTS VIOLENCE? Sheesh. Dumb wins out again it seems. Ignorance rules partisanship.

Posted - April 21, 2021


  • 33840
    Too bad Maxine Waters likely gave him a route to appeal. 

    Calling for people to be "more confrontational" if they did not get the result they wanted.  

    Two national guardmen were shot just a few hours later.   
    But she is a Dem one cares.

    If "peacefully and patriotically make your voice known" is enough to impeach...."more confrontational" followed by shootings. Should be at least worth removing from her committees. This post was edited by my2cents at April 21, 2021 6:42 AM MDT
      April 21, 2021 6:37 AM MDT

  • 3719
    As far as I can see he was rightly given a trial as fair and correct as possible, in accordance with laws protecting the primary principles of such justice, in extraordinarily difficult circumstances in an atmosphere ripe for mere vengeance rather than justice.

    Those principles are of habeus corpus, open jury trial, the burden of proof being on the prosecution, and the presumption of innocence until proven (or admitted) otherwise.

    However, one aspect of the law itself puzzles me.

    American law evidently has three categories of unlawful killing, apart from any offences against aiding a suicide. (It's two in the UK: murder and manslaughter, though the latter can be by individual or "corporate manslaughter".)

    Derek Chauvin was charged (with all three?) for a single killing; and there never any real doubt of his guilt as the incident was so public and his defence found it hard to suggest any significant evidence for him. How then, can he be found guilty of three different charges for a single attack?  
      April 23, 2021 2:45 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I expect it was due to the NATURE of the murder he committed m'dear. I'm trying to think of an example I can use to explain it to you. You very kindly OFTEN do that for me. You go to great lengths to explain in detail the why and I appreciate that and I KNOW I can count on you for that. So let me see what I can come up.

    Oh. Okay I don't know if this is remotely analogous but let's give it a try. There are collectors for everything. Sometimes an item is of the nature of being desirable for more than one type collector. Say it's an antique gun used during the Civil War by the confederacy. Beautifully etched and magnificently made. Well you have Civil War item collectors. You have gun collectors. You have descendants of confederates (TRAITORS WHO COMMITTED TREASON) who collect anything owned by confederates. So three types of collectors all wanting the same thing. So the murder of George Floyd filled three types of profiles of murders. The reason the murderer was charged with all three was in the hope that ONE OF THEM would be strong enough to get a GUILTY verdict. The fact that Chauvin was found GUILTY OF ALL THREE was extraordinary. First of all to find a cop guilty of anything is so rare we could probably count it on the finger of one hand. This cop was found GUILTY OF ALL THREE COUNTS. Or take vegetables. You have some folks who LOVE them, some folks who eat them because they are healthy, some who are vegetarians. Three different reasons. Now some folks eat them for all three reasons. This is probably a huge stretch and way not pertinent but I can't think of anything else. What I want to have happen is the "eye for an eye" solution. Die as he murdered. Knee on neck till all the breath is gone from his body. Savage and cruel? Mebbe. It's just what I would like to have happen. Thank you for your reply Durdle and Happy Friday to thee and thine! :). .
      April 23, 2021 3:02 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Thank you for explaining it, Rosie.

    In UK law he'd been found guilty of one but not the other charges, probably guilty of murder. It is fairly common here for someone to be convicted of manslaughter rather than murder where there is sufficient doubt as to intent, or some other extenuating circumstances. I though the US system is similar, in that regard.

      April 24, 2021 8:04 AM MDT