The BLACK BIG LIE PARTY pol further said America is not a racist country
That Republicans (none existing..he means THE BIG LIE PARTY) legislates to protect voting and eliminate fraud
Why did they choose the rare BLACK? For photo ops of course. "What do we want it to look like"? Pick the only black guy to do your rebuttal. Are there any other BLACK BIG LIE PARTY senators? How many BLACK BIG LIE PARTY congresspersons are there?
Predictable for the LOOK of it. That was decided first. Just like FOOTOO once bragged about "my African American" and pointed one out in his rally crowd audience. He had a token black in his cabinet. Ben Carson. He had a token black woman inside...Amarosa. His tokenism is well reknowned. WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? Why those two allowed themselves to be used like that must have been for the big bucks they got for it. Why else?
Since surface superficial is all there in THE BIG LIE PARTY it is of course what it looks like that matters very bigly.
Katrina Pierson
Paris Dennard
Kevin Daniels
Ja’Ron K. Smith
Scott Turner
Jonanthan Holifield
I am sure there were more....but certainly not just Carson and Amarosa.
To call a black person a token is a racist term.
Tim Scott must have hit a nerve as the Dems go to defense is to call racism. Racism terms were also trending on Twitter last night against him.