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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is everything "relative" to something else? Right now it is "relatively" calm but lots of hot spots keep bubbling up all over. Worried?

Is everything "relative" to something else? Right now it is "relatively" calm but lots of hot spots keep bubbling up all over. Worried?

We know north Korea is rattling chains. The BIG LIE FOOTOO party is planning to block anything Joe wants to get done. The BIG LIE PARTY white supremacist fascist racist hate grops are working together to pull off the next big thing. The FOOTOO a**kissers are on the verge of getting their "just desserts" like senile RUDYG. How many folks will he alone pull down with him? China is not our friend. Russia is doing its sameoldsameold strongarm thing. India is suffering hugely from the pandemic. Red states are going over to the dark side voting wise and the top gun FOOTOO BIG LIE PARTY thugs are working 24/7 to eliminate the rights of all voters they don't like. Bubbling roiling teetering tottering. The nutjob wackadoodle crackpot QANONS are coming out of the woodwork in huge numbers and getting elected by a mushbrained automaton robotic puppetpublic. A Matt Gaetz is being lauded for being a pedophile who pays for sex and share his sexmates with a his "wing" man and still is invited to speak to a REPUBLICAN WOMEN's group! Believe it or not they support pedophiles who pay for sex with underage girls. . Evangelicals are still loving the he** outta FOOTOO and embracing their gawd ever so self-righteously. KABOOM Something just blew its lid off! The beginning of the end? What's gonna blow sky high first?

Posted - May 3, 2021
