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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The FOOTOO CONSIGLIERE Billybob handlecandybarr was called "DISINGENUOUS" by a judge. DISINGENUOUS?

The FOOTOO CONSIGLIERE Billybob handlecandybarr was called "DISINGENUOUS" by a judge. DISINGENUOUS?


Lacking in frankness candor or sincerity
Falsely or hypocritically ingenuous


Free from reserve restraint or dissimulation
Candid, sincere
Artless, innocent, naive
Honorable, noble

That billybobcandyhandlebarr CONSIGLIERE was a LIAR, FACILITATOR,SUPPORTER,DEFENDER,PROTECTOR 24/7 of THE BIG LIE creator and looked the other way and ignored all the rules and laws to kiss the a** of the FOOTOO jacka**. Then he got really SCARED and bailed. COWARDS proliferate in the FOOTOO BIG LIE PARTY. Terrified cowards all of them. What a future they have! To be envied and jealousied..

Then at the last minute CONSIGLIERE chickened out and BAILED because he could see the writing on the wall so he saved himself. He thinks. We know what he is. Trash. Detritus. Scum.

Oh well another day at the office.

Posted - May 5, 2021
