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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » OH MY GAWD! Didja know that QANON has spread to the U.K, France, Germany and Japan? WHAT THE HE** is QANON?

OH MY GAWD! Didja know that QANON has spread to the U.K, France, Germany and Japan? WHAT THE HE** is QANON?

"A discredited American far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of satan-worshipping cannabalistic pedophiles run a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotted against FOOTOO while he was in office. QANON is commonly called a CULT."

It was INVENTED by a couple of crackpot dipsticks who knew the FOOTOOHEADS would buy any crap they dished out so they dished out a doozy of a doozy. They were right. Margie tail lure Green is a QANON supporter as are ALL FOOTOOHEADS.

Yes indeedy do. Millions of mushbrained idiots BELIEVE it is true. I don't know what IQ they carry but surely they all belong in looney bins.

Whether the HATE GROUPS that have spawned to a** kiss FOOTOO are all QANONS too I do not know. But you couple the Q's with a bazillion HATE GROUP members and whatcha got? Trouble. That's what. Trouble. Begins with T and ends with e in River City.

Apologies to all the other countries that are now infected with QANON. The absurd ridiculous INSANE belief is firmly held and gravely meaningful to these crackpots. All FOOTOO supporters support anything that supports FOOTOO no matter how evil satanic and egregiously vile not not to mention wacky tacky wicky wacky.

Let's see what FOOTOO do today. Let's see what the Q's and the Hate Groups have in store for us. Placing bets.

Whatcha gonna do? Sit back and watch of course. VAT ELSSE?

Posted - May 7, 2021
