Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Didja hear the latest? The hot new targets of hate are.....WHITE SUPREMACIST FASCIST RACISTS! I kid you not. Why them?

Didja hear the latest? The hot new targets of hate are.....WHITE SUPREMACIST FASCIST RACISTS! I kid you not. Why them?

It's simply their turn.

The TARGETS of white supremacist fascist racists has already been through the wringer.
People of color

You can clearly see what's missing. Fair is fair. Reciprocity is key. What we had done to us we shall done did to thee. Or so it should go.

Balance it out. Shoe on other foot. Cast thy bread upon the waters and see what you get for doing it.

It is only FAIR and JUST that the gargantuan gargoyle grunge group that targeted the other groups should be provided with a taste of itself. Isn't that what life is all about? Finding balance? Reciprocity. You do for me and I will do for thee? Maybe even DOUBLE DOWN?

Get ready! Get set! LET'S ROLL!

Posted - May 7, 2021
