Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Clearly someone was asleep at the wheel. In 1972 DDT WAS BANNED from use in America. So how did DDT sneak in and become president?

Clearly someone was asleep at the wheel. In 1972 DDT WAS BANNED from use in America. So how did DDT sneak in and become president?

Shocking isn't it?

DDT was banned in 1972 due to its ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS as well as to wildlife and its potential human health risks.

Well DDT(DOOFUS DINGLEBERRY TRUMP) runs and wins and what did he do immediately? ROLL BACK ALL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS. Then COVID 19 shows up and he facilitates many deaths due to his mocking and ridiculing and ignoring the monumental health risk. Too stupid dumb cold cruel uncaring to share the truth he knew early on to admit truth which he knew which he told to Bob Woodward in FEBRUARY 2020 but pretended elsewise otherwise to everyone else. Bast**dman  is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.

DDT was banned in 1972.
DDT(Doofus Dingleberry Trump) snuck in and finagled a way to be in total control of the USA starting in January 2017.

Could the USA get any unluckier than that? FIE on those who voted for DDT. A POX on their houses forever more for ever after. If it were not for them DDT would not have won. Any of them feel GUILTY?

Posted - May 7, 2021
