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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some folks are motivated ENTIRELY by money. If they are paid MORE to stay home than go to work why wouldn't they stay home?

Some folks are motivated ENTIRELY by money. If they are paid MORE to stay home than go to work why wouldn't they stay home?

I get it.

However not everyone is a greedy money-hungry SOB. Believe it or not there are other things besides MONEY that come with having a job. LIKE WHAT you ask? Are you serious?

Working with others to achieve a goal
Using your troubleshooter brain to figure how best to solve a problem
Creating new ways to do your job better and faster

Receiving props for your efforts and feeling as if you MATTERED and were part of the solution.

Now that will be greek to those to whom money is the zenith of their existence. For the rest of you? Know what I mean?

I am task-oriented. Always have been. Always will be. I start off with a list and as I do it I cross it off. At the end of the day when everything on that list is crossed off I get such a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT.

AT home collecting dough is okay for some who don't aspire to be or do more. Not me! Not nearly okay enough.

What about you? Would you stay home and vegetate intellectually if you could make more dough? SERIOUSLY?

If so CONDOLENCES. I pity you. I do. You don't believe me? I don't need you to believe me. I just need to say it.

Posted - May 8, 2021


  • 10798
    It's Sad to come across people who are only motivated by money.  The thing I most hated was an employee saying, "if you want me to work harder, you'll have to pay me more". 
      May 8, 2021 12:51 PM MDT