Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How long do you negotiate and wait for bipartisan support when a big head FOOTOOHEAD says his goal is that NOTHING HAPPENS AT ALL?

How long do you negotiate and wait for bipartisan support when a big head FOOTOOHEAD says his goal is that NOTHING HAPPENS AT ALL?

Good OLD moscow will block whatever comes down the pike so that it is never taken up for discussion or vote. It will never show up on the floor of the senate. Never never ever ever while that son of an itch is minority boogeyman.

So why wait? Just get it done. Ignore the bottlenecks and work around him/it/they/them. SIGH. Or not. Whatever.

Posted - May 11, 2021


  • 33823
    That is how it is setup.  Passing laws is not supposed to be easy.  
      May 11, 2021 7:29 AM MDT