Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » As usual "the devil is in the details". THE UNEXAMINED LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING. What doe that mean precisely exactly?

As usual "the devil is in the details". THE UNEXAMINED LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING. What doe that mean precisely exactly?

Whose life are we talking about? Oneself or all humankind?

Once examined what's the next step? In the examining what are you looking for and why?

Once the examining has ended does any action follow or is having examined enough?

Are you supposed to grade yourself on how swell you are? Who is going to give him or herself an "F" or FAILURE? No one. I mean those folks usually commit suicide anyway don't they?

I wonder is there some" HOW TO" guide that covers it? You know if you have these symptoms/irregularities/defects this is how to fix them or make them laudable and wondrous and splendid and proper?

So too "TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE AND THOU CANST BE FALSE TO ANY MAN"? Seriously? They're just words that sound so swell but put into operation without blinders and corrective lenses? Silly empty meaningless.

Posted - May 12, 2021
