Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There is some saying the gist of which is "if you don't learn from history you are doomed to repeat it." Well we didn't learn did we?

There is some saying the gist of which is "if you don't learn from history you are doomed to repeat it." Well we didn't learn did we?

If you lived in Germany during the reign of Adolf Hitler and did not support adore worship him you would not survive for very long.

Here we are today after the reign of FOOTOO. What did we do? Where did it get us?
Sameoldsameoldsameold. Exactly. No ovens where millions were murdered. True. But FOOTOO is still working on that.

So we pay no attention and shi**y stuff keeps happening. Whose fault is that? Bottom line too many homo saps are stupid dumbs and get exactly what they ask for. The welcome pandemic. Typhoid Mary is a Maury but elsewise no different.


Posted - May 12, 2021
