Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's something I wish could be. GOD and JESUS holding monthly press conferences to support or deny what is being said in their names. You?

Here's something I wish could be. GOD and JESUS holding monthly press conferences to support or deny what is being said in their names. You?

I'd ask

"FOOTOO told us 'I am the chosen one'. Is that true GOD? Is FOOTOO your chosen one? What about JESUS? What is HE? Chopped liver?

"Evangelicals told us that GOD appointed FOOTOO to salvation them. Did you actually do that GOD?" Is salvation possible through a selfish 3rd rate lying corrupt hasbeen?

After FOOTOO got rid of peaceful protesters by ordering his hit men to use rubber bullets, tasers and tear gas so he could do a photo op in front of a church HOLDING UP A BIBLE were YOU pleased with him for doing that or did YOU want to smack him upside the head for the disgrace he brings upon YOU when he desecrates denigreates  every symbol of Christian religion, GOD(YOU) and JESUS too?

Do YOU believe THE BIG LIE? Do YOU favor those who promulgate it 24/7?

Posted - May 16, 2021
