Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Forcing homo saps to TAKE SIDES. Purpose of which of course is TO DIVIDE. There is only one side. The HUMAN side. Isn't there?

Forcing homo saps to TAKE SIDES. Purpose of which of course is TO DIVIDE. There is only one side. The HUMAN side. Isn't there?

Because if there is in fact another side then the "other" side must of necessity be the INHUMAN side.

Now how can millions of humans be inhuman? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?

Like Schroedinger's cat...is and isn't and you don't which until you peek. Because all you have is possibility until you check out the reality

The question then would be were the inhumans placed here to destroy we the people?

Were they defects of birth? That's doubtful but I suppose possible.

How did they get here and what was their prime directive and who gave it?

So many possibilities. We can never know can we?

Posted - May 17, 2021
