Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You are an ADULT. All GROWN UP. Maybe even old. Even so is there anything about you that is CHILDISH? If so wanna share?

You are an ADULT. All GROWN UP. Maybe even old. Even so is there anything about you that is CHILDISH? If so wanna share?


Of or befitting a child
Puerile weak SILLY

Let us focus on the word SILLY. Are you? At 83 I am often very SILLY. Both Jim and I laugh about it. Imagine an old lady who is 83 being SILLY?

You know what? I ENJOY BEING SILLY. My default mode is VERY SERIOUS. I was born VERY SERIOUS. I am usually mostly always VERY SERIOUS. It is a hardship being VERY SERIOUS all the time.

SILLY is a way to vent..let off steam... take a break. I can't not be 83. But I sure as he** can be SILLY.

Anyone got a problem with that? Go suck an egg.

What brought this on? Being lectured. I abhor it.

Posted - May 18, 2021
