Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » GOD is perfect. GOD made man in HIS image. Why aren't humans perfect too?

GOD is perfect. GOD made man in HIS image. Why aren't humans perfect too?

Posted - May 19, 2021


  • 10559
    They were!  The bible says so.  However, when they choose to disobey God (sin) they lost that perfection.  Their sin made them imperfect; flawed.

    They became like a diamond with an inclusion (mineralogically speaking, an inclusion is foreign matter trapped inside a gem making it flawed). The inclusion in people is sin.  They are still valuable to God, but they are imperfect.  God sent His Son Jesus to remove that inclusion (sin).  Those who follow Jesus (in obedience) will one day be perfect once again.  Those who refuse Jesus, however, can never become perfect (only He can make us perfect).  Since nothing imperfect can come into the presence of God, when that day comes, the imperfect will be thrown into the rubbish pile.
      May 19, 2021 10:54 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Did they CHOOSE or were they SEDUCED? Just like the trump adoring worshippers were seduced by him. No difference in my opinion. A vile snake seduced and the rest is history. Why did GOD allow that? Why did HE not Strike down evil and satan instead of setting up a trap for the homo sap? Have you never once asked GOD "why did YOU do that? What is the purpose? What am I supposed to learn from that?" I have and do and always will. I question everything and eveyone when it makes no sense INCLUDING GOD. HE gave me this brain. HE is the one that keeps overloading it with questions that force me to keep asking them. I'm just a conduit for something else. I take no credit for any of it. How can I? I did not create me. I'm just a product. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 19, 2021 11:16 AM MDT
      May 19, 2021 10:59 AM MDT

  • 10559

    They were tempted, and they chose to give in to that temptation.  God never said they couldn’t ask Him about the tree (satisfy their curiosity).  He never said they couldn’t climb the tree, prune the tree, or even sleep under the tree.  He simply said not to eat the fruit of the tree.  He even told them why they couldn’t eat of it (because if they did they would die).  They had an entire garden whose beauty was beyond imagination and was even self watering.  A garden loaded with luscious fruit trees, gorgeous flowers, birds, animals.  Out of all that, they had just one tiny restriction.  It wasn't a trap. 
    Picture this - a wealthy person tells you that you can live in their 1,000 acre estate rent free for as long as you like.  The fridge will always be stocked with the finest of foods for you to eat (no charge).  The estate is loaded - tennis courts, olympic sized swimming pools, TVs that can get ever try streaming or cable channel there is, bowling allies, horses to ride, forests to walk in - virtually anything you could ever want to do is right there for you (no charge).  There’s even a garage full of luxury cars - Lamborghinis, BMWs, Audis – and you can drive any of them to anywhere in the world (gas prepaid).  The only rule the man has is that you don’t touch the white vase in the attic.  If you do, he’ll kick you out.  Is that vase a trap?  No, it’s just there. 

    God doesn’t mind if we question Him… so long as that questioning isn’t from a bitter, untrusting, hypocritical or rebellious heart.  God made us to be curious.  That’s how we learn.  We need to realize, however, that there are some things God can’t explain to us (maybe we couldn’t comprehend it, maybe knowing it would hurt us, or perhaps it isn’t the right time).   We have to trust that because He knows much more than we do that He has His reasons.  Of course, we also need to accept an answer He does give us… even if it’s not the answer we want, or isn’t answered in a way we want.

      May 19, 2021 12:11 PM MDT

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) This is hands down one of the best replies I've ever received to any question I ever asked Shuhak. It is clear and concise even though it is lengthy. I GET IT my friend. That vase? Seriously? With all the wealth of everything else we have we still insist on touching that vase? But that's EXACTLY what many of us do. Which makes NO SENSE AT ALL. NONE. Well it took a lot of patience on your part and also it is an act of friendship in my opinion. Thanks. A lot! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 20, 2021 11:32 AM MDT
      May 20, 2021 6:43 AM MDT