Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Kevin McCarthy is incredibly stupid. He equates attempted INSURRECTION with social protest. Do you too?

Kevin McCarthy is incredibly stupid. He equates attempted INSURRECTION with social protest. Do you too?

He sez there should be NO EXAMINATION of the January 6 attemped insurrection unless there are also investions into the Black Lives Matter social protests. No one tried to overthfow the government. No one carried nooses and sought pols to HANG! No one rifled through desks and offices and took selfies at desk of top Democrats.

But McCarthy equates them and sno justification in seeking out the TRUTH of who what when where why of January 6. WHO WERE THE PLAYERS? WHO WERE THE INSTIGATORS? WHO WERE THE FACILITATORS? WHO WERE THE TRAITORS?

This dumbbell wants to be Speaker of the House. Seriously.

Posted - May 19, 2021


  • 33821
    You are right they are not equatable....BLM and Antifa have done much more damage to people and property. 

    I want an investigation into why there was virtually no officer presence. Why no National guard? Why were some allowed to leave and others not? 

    But seriously we already know these answers....it is a waste of time and resources.
      May 19, 2021 5:23 AM MDT