Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » BOOM! Out of nothing comes extraordinarily massive amounts of somethings. Unknown the total number of them. What is the subject?

BOOM! Out of nothing comes extraordinarily massive amounts of somethings. Unknown the total number of them. What is the subject?

Food for starters. What else does a Foodie think a lot about?

Did you know the following?

There are 7500 varieties of Apples
4000 varieties of potatoes
1000 varieties of bananas
2000 varieties of peaches
20 varieties of plums
60 varieties of grapes
4 varieties of coffee beans
21 varieties of grains

You get the picture. There was nothing. BOOM. There was something. Over time (not sure how long) billions of varieties developed. HOW?

Chicken or egg? Seeds began everything? Where did THEY come from? Out of nothing?

We ignore the massive mystery of life and focus on its zits and scars and disfigurements. Politics CONSUMES billions of people who are totally OBLIVIOUS to everything else in life. Tiny brains that never developed nor will they. Petty intrigues and differences that ought never be but are in multiplicity that lead to war.

They have a bounty..a sumptuous banquet from which to choose and what do they focus on?

The mystery meat hot dog. That is what their appetite craves. The mystery meat hot dog. Nothing else appeals to them but that. Consists of guts and innards and entrails of pig or cow or turkey or chicken. Meanwhile ignoring everything else.

Sad lot. Billions of them live petty lives of desperation thinking they're on top and have the world in hand. They are not on top and they do not have a handle on anything. They are hostages...slaves...automatons. They are born live and die never realizing what they could have been or should have been. Politics. The cesspool of life. That is the way the world ends. In a cesspool.

Posted - May 26, 2021
