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What is the culpability here? If COVID 19 was a lab ACCIDENT how do we react? As if it were planned premeditated?

Posted - May 27, 2021


  • 10559
    Humans like to place blame. If they can blame someone else, they can make them pay for it (monetarily or by retaliation).  Many times, people will spend more time and effort trying to place the blame than they would have just fixing the result of whatever happened.  (eg. spend $5 million to place blame instead of paying $5 to correct the resulting situation.)
      May 27, 2021 12:49 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Take the blame for what you did. That is the proper right and LOGICAL thing to do. Who was the first to lay blame on "the other"? I wonder how that occurred to him/her/them? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      May 28, 2021 2:53 AM MDT

  • 10559
    The first person to lay blame was Adam.  He blamed his sin of eating the forbidden fruit on his wife.  Eve was second, laying blame on the serpent for her sin of eating the forbidden fruit. 

    It occurred to Adam because he had eaten the (forbidden) fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  Once he had that knowledge, his innocence was gone .  Picture a very little child running around the house naked after his bath.  He doesn't feel embarrassed by it as he hasn't learned it's improper to do that (innocence).  His parents don't punish him, they think its cute.  However, once the child gets a bit older and learns that running around the house naked is unacceptable, his innocence in that matter is gone.  Now if he does it he is open to discipline by his parents. 
    Adam and Eve had lost their "innocence", and they knew it ... (and it scared them (guilt)".  So when God comes along, they hide and start making excuses (Sorry God, I'm naked.  Come back later).  Of course God, being the parent, isn't buying amy excuses.  He knew what happened and He called them out on it.  So Adam and Eve are standing there before God in their birthday suits, racked with guilt.  (you  can picture him going, uh... uh... as he desperately tries to find a way out of the predicament.  Then it hits him - just pass the buck.  Yeah, that's it.. I'll blame Eve.  So he quickly throws Eve under the bus.   God turns to Eve for the answer of what happened, and Adam's thinking, Whew!  Dodged that bullet.  Now Eve's looking at Adam with her mouth agape... Gee thanks, some husband you are!   Trying to keep herself covered so God won't see her naked, she figures, well, if it worked for Adam it might work for me.  So she quickly blames the serpent.  The serpent just shrugs, takes his punishment, and slithers off. 
    And people have been playing the blame game ever since.
      May 28, 2021 1:01 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Pols are lower than the serpent. "The serpent just shrug, takes his punishment, and slithers off." Pols take no punishment, accept no blame, and bellycrawl 24/7. So ERGO pols are lower than serpents. They try to get away with the most gawdawfullest thngs then when caught double down then double down and finally double down. I think they all have most than "a screw loose". I think their heads are filled with loose screws and the sound you hear are the screws banging around. They confuse that with "thinking" which it isn't. Rattlebrains maybe. Rattlesnakes quite likely. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      May 29, 2021 2:27 AM MDT

  • 33821
    We should charge China just a we would any US company  that had an industrial accident that resulted in damages. 

    We should arrest Fauci for going around US laws preventing funding/research of gain of function in viruses and using US tax money to do it.  

    If it was purposeful then it was an act of war....and all involved should be trialed for war crimes. 

    This post was edited by my2cents at May 27, 2021 1:14 PM MDT
      May 27, 2021 1:12 PM MDT