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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly 74% of repubuaccans want to "MOVE ON" from January 6, 2021. We will NEVER MOVE ON FROM 9/11 or 1/6! KNOW WHY?

Allegedly 74% of repubuaccans want to "MOVE ON" from January 6, 2021. We will NEVER MOVE ON FROM 9/11 or 1/6! KNOW WHY?

9/11 was an attack on our homeland by FOREIGNERS.

1/6/21 was an attack on our homeland by DOMESTIC WHITE SUPREMACIST VIOLENT TERRORISTS.

Which is far far and much much worse. Traitors committing treason is what 1/6/21 was and always will be. Citizens trying to DESTROY our democracy to overturn a fairly won and verified election because the LOSER lost face and couldn't accept that he IS A LOSER.

So we aren't MOVING ON just to suit you. SHAME ON YOU which I know falls on deaf ears. YOU HAVE NO SHAME else you would never have and continue to support the LOSER.

Carry on as you will and must because you have no choice. That is what you are and you will never change. All the mewing and winya**ing will change nothing FOREVER. GET OVER IT. GET A GRIP. GROW UP. PUT ON YOUR BIG BOY PANTS. THE LOSER has a lot more to worry about than losing the election. He is now facing CRIMINAL CHARGES on multiple fronts with nowhere to run or hide. The FEDS have his taxes and are investigating them with a microscope to see not IF he committed crimes but HOW MANY were committed.


Posted - May 28, 2021
