Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some homo saps do wrong and when caught ADMIT IT and take their punishment and STOP DOING IT. They are not the problem. Know who is?

Some homo saps do wrong and when caught ADMIT IT and take their punishment and STOP DOING IT. They are not the problem. Know who is?

The homo saps who do wrong get caught and then DOUBLE DOWN and DOUBLE DOWN and DOUBLEDOWN.

What manner of monster is that? When did that lowest rung SUBspecies of homo sap develop? With each DOUBLEDOWN more screws get loose and soon all you hear is the rattlings around of all those loose screws in their heads. Only their own ilk can understand the rattling. It is a cacophony of nonsense gibberish horse puckey and bullsh**. The elixir of life to THEM of course so they continue to ignore and DOUBLEDOWN DOUBLEDOWN DOUBLEDOWN>

A scourge to be sure and they multiply like maggots. DOUBLEDOWN DOUBLEDOWN DOUBLEDOWN.

What end do they deserve?

Posted - May 29, 2021
