Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We set aside days to HONOR the military. What we don't have is a day to dishonor the DRAFT DODGER. WHY?

We set aside days to HONOR the military. What we don't have is a day to dishonor the DRAFT DODGER. WHY?

I mean they are honored by many for having avoided the draft by whatever means possible. LYING of course was the mainstay of getting out of the draft when there was a draft.

COWARDICE only or just not giving a sh** about any of it and not wanting to be inconvenienced? Who knows what lurks in the minds of a DRAFT DODGER? The trump said at Arlington "I don't get it. What's in it for them?" or words to that effect. "What's in  it for them?"  Anyone have an answer for him?

Anyway say Congress does officially federalize such a day. What day would be a good one?

I know. What is trump's birthday? I know it's in June. Why not DRAFT DODGER DAY on that day?

Posted - May 31, 2021
