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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is "loving" abject derelicts an offset? Does loving the most vile sanctify the lover? Does it elevate and bless he/she who does?

Is "loving" abject derelicts an offset? Does loving the most vile sanctify the lover? Does it elevate and bless he/she who does?

What exact is "the leasst of us"?

I would say Hitler certainly qualifies. To the extent that the doer harm others. The more grievous egregious harm done the more the "least" of us becomes "Lesser".

More vile than Hitler?

THere are so many where to begin.

Perhaps the way to go is to list the 'heads" who are NEVER vile.

Much shorter list. More doable. Well can ya?

Posted - May 31, 2021
