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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Whites don't like their looks much do they? Else why do the dames curl their hair, puff up their lips and darken(tan) their skin?

Whites don't like their looks much do they? Else why do the dames curl their hair, puff up their lips and darken(tan) their skin?

Trying their bestest to look like those who are  BORN that way? Sometimes they even get butt operations to round out flat butts.

I dunno. Strange weird bizarre odd queer peculiar. They go to all that trouble to change their looks and then attack insult even murder those who are born that way.

Makes sense to you? How so? The guys like their women with curly hair puffed up lips rounded butts and "tan" skin. WHITE RACISTS are weird aren't they?

At the very least they are CONFLICTED OBTUSE CLUELESS.

Posted - June 1, 2021
