Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ya know those states that continue to break laws rules precedents should be kicked out of the Union. Cut them off COMPLETELY. Why not?

Ya know those states that continue to break laws rules precedents should be kicked out of the Union. Cut them off COMPLETELY. Why not?

Deprive them of all FEDERAL anything. Money especially but also FEMA and all other means of federal assistance and subsistence. Set them adrift. Let them be/do whatever they want to alone on their own. All citizens of such states are on their own and disenfranchised disengaged deprived. The former citizens of the United States will be without a country. To be considered a citizen they will have to  MOVE out of the rogue state to one that is a proud member of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ignore them completely. Totally. Foreverly. They no longer exist. EXTINCT.

All those states..red...could band together and make something work.

Why not? Good riddance. They are already committing treason and traitoring and doing things AGAINST the Constitution. They already are outlaws bad guys depraved perverted malcontents.

We don't need them nor do we want them. They contribute nothing but pain and trouble and tragedy. They are full of themselves so let them rely on themselves for everything

Why not? What could it hurt? Everyone says so. Hyperbolically.

Posted - June 1, 2021
