Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I do not think the pols in a state should get to legislate who can vote and who cannot. Know who I think should?

I do not think the pols in a state should get to legislate who can vote and who cannot. Know who I think should?


We should have FIFTY  elections...one for each state...where the citizens who live in that state GET TO VOTE ON WHO GETS TO VOTE.

Only fair.
Only wise.
Only just.

Who objects to THAT? We could have a national election where every one gets to vote on everyone who gets to vote in every state. But that might be a bit unwieldy to manage.

Let's do it.

Vote on who gets to vote.. state by state. Whaddaya say? You ALL IN? Take it out of the hands of the pols. Take back our right to decide for ourselves what we will and will not tolerate.


Hands off. Back off. They are the ones we have to keep in their place. They get so dam* uppity. Smack them down.

Posted - June 1, 2021


  • 35077
    We do have 50 elections. 

    Politicans are citizens...they should have to right to vote.

    Voter registration and ID....is not preventing anyone from voting. 

    It is racism to believe a minority person cannot get an ID just the same as a white person. 

    Federal law also requires a person to be registered and a citizen to vote AND REQUIRES ID the first time a new registered.  

    Some states are simply requiring the ID everytime a person votes.

    My state did vote on who can vote. We voted to require photo ID. This post was edited by my2cents at June 1, 2021 10:31 AM MDT
      June 1, 2021 7:53 AM MDT