Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Being at a job doesn't mean you are doing your job. The JOB of a pol is to SERVE THE PEOPLE. When what they do WORKS AGAINST THE PEOPLE?

Being at a job doesn't mean you are doing your job. The JOB of a pol is to SERVE THE PEOPLE. When what they do WORKS AGAINST THE PEOPLE?

Are they "doing" their jobs?

DEMS walked out to avoid passage of another egegious bill to curtail voting rights in Texas. The REPUBLICAN guv sez he will not pay them because they are not doing their jobs.

If REPUBLICAN pols had walked out would the REPUBLICAN GUV have made the same threat?


And so it goes. The politics of a REPUBLICAN are queer peculiar strange bizarre odd and nutjob crackpot in nature. EVERYWHERE THEY "operate" with few exceptions. Those who ACTUALLY do try to serve the best interests of the people get trumped..viciously vilely venomously vitriolically. Sheesh., Whatta crock of bull puckey they are. THE LOYAL TRUMPICANS. Sheesh. Yuck. AARRGGHH.

Posted - June 2, 2021
