Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » America is a nation of IMMIGRANTS. Those who are anti-immigration are anti their own ancestry. Imagine that?

America is a nation of IMMIGRANTS. Those who are anti-immigration are anti their own ancestry. Imagine that?

Whites INVADED this country and murdered and pillaged and destroyed and claimed the land for their own. They made treaties which they never kept. Broken promises is the hallmark of the white savage INVADERS. TO THIS DAY they lie and cheat and steal and pillage. No change in them only they are getting bolder and meaner and crueler and crazier.

Now they hoity toity fancy schmancy lord being white over everyone. As if it were excellent to be them.

Descended from murderers and thieves they go on as if they OWNED this land since time began.


Posted - June 3, 2021
