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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What is EVIDENT to the world above below and around? In the "exceptional" USA in real time you see actual treasoning/traitoring. Ya LIKEE?

What is EVIDENT to the world above below and around? In the "exceptional" USA in real time you see actual treasoning/traitoring. Ya LIKEE?

Every pol who "downplays" January 6 is treasoning traitoring bigly.
Every pol supporter who downplays January 6 is treasoning and traitoring bigly.

They have no fear doing it out loud in front of crowds. Why? Because the trump set the gold standard for treasoning and traitoring and nothing bad happened to him. He is still waving and whining and I WUZ ROBBED sobbing.

They follow his lead because of their need to be loved by him and him alone.

He is their true north..their STAR of Bethelhem...their bible...their heart..their soul..their everything.

Posted - June 5, 2021


  • 33883
    Every politican who pretends it was bigger than it was is proving they are exploiting a situation for political gain. 

    It was not by any means the worst attack since the civil war......that is just nonsense. 

    Anyone who was violent....destroyed any property, or harmed anyone should be punished. (Same as they should punish those who did damage to people/property in the many US cities over the last year) 

    Those who simply followed the crowd into the Capitol but did no damage should be charged with at the most tresspass and charged a fine. 
      June 5, 2021 6:25 AM MDT