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ARE ALL PRO-TRUMP POOPS CROOKS? Which poop is being investigationed now?


Forcing employees to contribute to a political campaign and then reimbursing them by giving them bonuses.

To go around the law that limits contributions of course. To cheat. To "steal". To sabotage. To undermine.

Boytoy de joy the evil US Postmaster General done done dat ting before he was in gubment.

He gave big to the trump by all ruses and illegal possibles and so the trump quid pro quo'd him. Of course. VATT ELSSE?

Also anudder trump co bigshot being hot spotlighted. This time? THE CONTROLLER of the company and also a veep who knows everything about the CFO who is also under investigation for corruption.

Will the Controller make a deal to immunize himself and let it all come out? Everything?

Will the CFO make a deal to immunize himself and let it all come out? Everything?

Tune in tomorrow to see HOW THE WORLD TURNS. It turns for thee.

Posted - June 5, 2021
