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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Brand X follows orders and it turns out to be a GRAND FIASCO TRAGEDY. Whose name gets attached to it?

Brand X follows orders and it turns out to be a GRAND FIASCO TRAGEDY. Whose name gets attached to it?

The orderer (which would be fair)
Follows orders (which is most unfair)

Well life ain't fair. So the doer who done it gets the honor of going down in infamy and the orderer who ordered it? No one knows who dat be or care.

So how can that possibly happen?

Pass the blame is a favorite game of politicians and other homo saps.

Not my fault.
I had nothing to do with
I didn't know about it
I just followed orders

I just gave orders to be followed because of orders I received. How can you blame ME for just doing what I was told to do by a higher up?

I wonder who has the strength and the courage and the spine to admit anything that went south?

Posted - June 8, 2021
