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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This whole RELIGION thing is very puzzling. Especially Christianity. How is it practiced and followed and applied by some?

This whole RELIGION thing is very puzzling. Especially Christianity. How is it practiced and followed and applied by some?

We are told to TURN THE OTHER CHEEK, LOVE OUR ENEMIES, CONDEMN THE SUPERFICIAL of MATERIALISM and are warned against FALSE PROPHETS. Also "For whatever you do to the least of your brothers and sisters you do to me." Notice how often that is conveniently totally ignored by many of the most fervently "Christian". Yet they talk GOD and praise GOD and use GOD as a shill and a shield and a gimmick to pull in others who are also "religiously Christian" just exactly like them..

AS they break all the commandments without even thinking about it. They wear crucifixes and carry Bibles and quote chapter and verse while they are murdering people for the color of their skin or gender. They genuflect and do the sign of the cross and read their BIBLES and feel ever so self-righteous as pillage and hack and slay in the name of GOD. How dare they?

Of course that is exactly what GOD wants them to do. And JESUS too. Right? They are on the side of the angels. Ask any trump adoring worshipper who calls him or herself a CHRISTIAN! That is BLASPHEMY but they don't see it that way. They live a lie 24/7.

And so it goes. On and on and on and on and on and on. A poisonous mix of ignorance greed and fear. Sheesh.

Posted - June 9, 2021
