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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Republicans will not worship GOD in an environment that doesn't adore trump. The reds stick together in all kinds of weather right?

Republicans will not worship GOD in an environment that doesn't adore trump. The reds stick together in all kinds of weather right?

They will not praise GOD is there is a liberal or progressive at the pulpit. They only will be there if all around them red. Praise GOD better praise trump or else.

Partisan politics is what the reds do for everything. Intellect is based on it. Attitudes opinions and "facts". They will disown a child who marries a non red. They will SHUN insult badmouth attack vilify. The reds are trumpicans from tip of the head to the ends of their toes. They inbreed of course. Wouldn't have a non red anywhere near them.

Does GOD appreciate that? The trump and his et al SUCKUPS in a house of worship? Does he tune them out or take names and track them and then at the end of times do the accounting? I dunno.

Posted - June 10, 2021
