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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Six California traitors, members of the "3 Percenters", have been indicted in the Capitol Riot Conspiracy case of 1/6/21! WHO ELSSE?

Six California traitors, members of the "3 Percenters", have been indicted in the Capitol Riot Conspiracy case of 1/6/21! WHO ELSSE?

16 alleged OATH KEEPERS have been indicted
15 alleged PROUD BOYS have been indicted


The "3 percenters" (refers to their IQ's) coordinated the trip to D.C. with the INTENTION to fight per the trump and his et al call to protest the outcome of the presidential election. For conspiracy to OBSTRUCT congressional proceedins.

Which of hate groups has the most smartest members? Which of the hate groups has the most dumbest members? Which of the hate groups have the most ordinary average typical standard off-the-self nothing special about them homo saps?

I think the highest IQ among them is about 80.  100 being average none of 'em qualify for that distinction.

Posted - June 11, 2021


  • 3719
    Perhaps the truth is that such groups do have intelligent people. They are the ones who organise its activities and recruit followers, but it is in the group's interest for followers not to be too bright.
      June 13, 2021 4:16 PM MDT

  • 113301
    But Durdle CALIFORNIA IS A BLUE STATE! That all six indicted insurrectionists come from southern California just completely gobstomped me! The Republican party in this state is on life support and has been for years. So to find out THIS just shocked the heck out of me. One of them was an ex-police chief from La Habra, California allegedly! In my own backyard THIS? OY VEY! That was is and always be such a shock. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee and thine! :)
      June 14, 2021 3:45 AM MDT