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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ah so! Liddle billybarrmaid didn't think the trump and his et al was above the law. He thunk the trump and his et al WAS THE LAW! SEE?

Ah so! Liddle billybarrmaid didn't think the trump and his et al was above the law. He thunk the trump and his et al WAS THE LAW! SEE?

DIdja know liddle billybarrmaid set up a cabal coterie within the Department of Justice to ENFORCE THE WHIMS of the trump and his et al? YEP! That's what liddlebillybarrmaid done did!

A group of people who associate closely
An exclusive group; clique
A group of PRAIRIE DOGS occupying a communal burrow

A small group of SECRET PLOTTERS as against a government or person in authority
THe plots and schemes of such a group; intrigue
To form a cabal....intrigue, conspire, PLOT
Junta faction league band ring

Posted - June 12, 2021
