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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I think the parents of OBESE children should be charged with PARENTAL ABUSE and put in prison. Do you too?

I think the parents of OBESE children should be charged with PARENTAL ABUSE and put in prison. Do you too?

OBESITY is a huge problem in America for adults and CHILDREN. HUGE. GINORMOUS.

If the parents want to obese their way through life and shorten it that's their privilege. But they have no right to subject their children to that kind of life. WHY DO THEY? Furthermore why do they get away with it?

Fat shaming you think is what this is about?. Boy are you lamebrained if you do. Whatever. I PITY the children born of parents who love them so little they won't do right by them.

Posted - June 14, 2021


  • 33818
    1. It would child abuse not parental abuse.
    2. The most they would do is require the parent(s) to attend classes teaching how to eat balanced meals. Perhaps even an excerise program.

    Being fat will never be against the law. And certainly not punishable by prison sentence. 
      June 14, 2021 7:19 AM MDT

  • 6023
    As much as I may feel sorrow about the situation - at what point would you put the responsibility on the child?
    Unless they are homeschooled - they are away from their parents a large portion of the day.  
        Schools could allow children to stand in classrooms.  They allow time for exercise during the school day, even in high school.
    And most parents allow children to exercise at home, by "playing outside", if the child wishes.

    Except in extremely rare situations, I don't know how it could be proven to be completely the parents' fault.
      June 14, 2021 10:49 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I shall tell you how. From a very early age do not feed children junk food/candy/snack foods. Serve fresh fruits and vegetables and children's tastebuds will be developed to appreciate wholesome foods. Many parents do it Walt. Then when children are offered junk food they will usually turn it down. If they don't and taste it they don't like it. Too sweet too salty too greasy. Honestly Walt IT WORKS. That is way before a child is subjected to the outside world influences. When a baby starts eating solid foods CONTROL what you serve and everything will fall into place. They will reach for an apple not a candy bar. Not because they'll get in trouble if they eat candy but becauses they know it doesn't taste good to them. Ever go on a salt-free diet for awhile? If you're on it long enough and then go back to eating "normal" foods everything will taste much too salty. Tastebuds can be educated Walt just as brain can be educated. So that's my story and I'm sticking with it. Parents who care about their children's health will never feed them fast food or junk food. They just won't. Thank you for your reply.
      June 14, 2021 11:53 AM MDT